Saturday, October 4, 2008

A little something about me

If you are reading this, we are probably going to be meeting between the 10th to the 12th at IIM Bangalore and I look forward to that opportunity. Before we meet here's a little something what what you could expect...
Currently 22, I am pursuing my MBA at FMS. I ma majoring in Finance and completed my summers at D.E. Shaw this year. I am an Economics graduate from Venkateswara College, Delhi University and before that completed by schooling at 7 different schools across the country. This gave me the opportunity to live in many cities including Bangalore and that experience is something I truly cherish.
There are few other experiences in my life that I think have truly enriched my life. I have been part of the debating team at school and college, I have also started my own social service organization with the objective of providing relief to Tsunami victims and working for causes of child labour and HIV/ AIDS. Recently a classmate of mine and I started an organization that has its business in merchandising and it has been a great learning curve.
I am sure that Numero Uno would be one great experience and I look forward to being there.

1 comment:

Roberto said...

Nikhil, I think it is fantastic that you have started an organization to work with HIV/AIDS. Leaders with a heart will transform this country, more than those with a wallet. Looking forward to meeting you at Vista.
